DO i have to pay VAT?
KBC is a Norwegian company utside of EU
All our prices include 25% Norwegian VAT. When you order from abroad, we remove Norwegian VAT, but you still have to pay VAT when it arrives in your country. How much THAT depends entirely on where you live.
"Do I have to pay VAT when I live in Finland?"
KBC is a Norwegian company that ships goods to *almost the entire world.
Unfortunately, we cannot pay VAT to countries other than Norway, so you as a customer will be deducted for Norwegian VAT in our online shop. But you have to pay VAT in your country along whit a small fee that some countrys have, this service is called customs fee. Below I have attached an example that went to Denmark.
What happens in customs?
Here you can see that the customer has enters his danish adresse, and Norwegian VAT has been deducted. (Bestilling ekls. MVA)
When we send, the package goes trough customs in your country. Everything under 3000 NOK is electronic, and everything above have a lot of papirs attached from us. This is called Proforma Invoice.
When the package is deliverd in your country the customs take over.
Some customs can make the calculations for your VAT based on the papirs, and some not. Then you ask me for a copy and I send it to you. Some countrys also have a customs fee. This is a fee they charge to make the calculations for you. Sometimes its 10 euros, sometimes its 20 euro. This depend on where you live. You then get a invoice from your countrys customs before you get your KBC package.
Its always smart to duble check you have gotten the right VAT and how they have calculated the customs fee. When you order from us you got a invoice in your mail. Here you see what the price is in you chosen currency. Take away 25 % and you get the price you calculate your country VAT.
We deliver to more than 50 countrys, and they ALL have different ways of doing this.
If your customs do it wrong, you have to contact them, and not us. I can help you make the calculations, but I can not speak to your customs for you.
Note. Norway has very strict rules for exports. It is not possible for us to change the invoice or proforma invoice to reduce your VAT. Please do not ask about this. What we send must mach what you have purchased. Thank you.
This is a article from the Euroficalis.
They handle everything for international shipping Companys.
Eurofiscalis VAT Expert in Europe.
When should VAT rates be added in the EU? Compliance with VAT is an important obligation for companies operating in the EU in the B2B and B2C market. It can be complex, but it is important to understand the basic principles to avoid penalties.
KBC is a Norwegian online store, and we must state all our prices with 25% VAT. But you, as a customer in another country, have lower VAT. For example, to Germany, you only pay 19%. So then we take 25% off the price, send the package to your country and there you get the correct VAT. YOU HAVE SAVED MONEY!
Ok, some countries are unfortunately more expensive and some don't pay at all, but you get the idea.
Note 1: The little fee called customs fee. Its unique in every country.
Do not apply for USA. You do your own thing.
Note 2: Customers from Portugal. You have new rules and a web solution when ordering outside Portugal. Please ask when ordering, ore see your lokal TAX info.
Here I have a map telling VAT in Europe, anno October 2024.
Note 3: Updates may have occurred after this map was made.
Always be aware of the correct VAT in your country.