This is where it all started, and now we are importer of a huge selection of premium TIPS!
More will come so you can explore the wast selection of fine tips the world has to offer.
We change tips on all cues for NOK 229 plus the cost of the tip. Most tip changes take place during one day. Send us your shaft by post, or deliver in the Workshop in Fredrikstad. Pay here.
Just want to buy the tips? It costs ONLY NOK 59 in shipping to send to your mailbox, ore around 29 Euro to Europe.
Ship to the states? Yes no problem, The more you tips you get, the more sense the shipping is.
It was here with replacing tips that it started for KBC 12 years ago.
Last year, just over 1500 tips were replaced.
We take 229,-NOK to change the tip, plus what the tip costs.
We can talk for a very long time about the right and wrong tip.
We have Caiden, Tiger, Kamikaze, Geeze, Horo, Mezz, Zan, Kamui, HOW, Navigator, G2, Taom, Piku and White Diamond.
The vast majority come in Super Soft, Soft, Medium and Hard except Piku and White Diamond.